Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Wanna know Nayzak?

Assalamualaikum wbt!

So, aku nak perkenalkan pelukis bernama Nayzak.
Korang mesti pernah tengok lukisan macam ni? Banyak je aku tengok laman web kat sosial media copy paste sana sini lukisan ni, ramai sangattt. Ramai orang kenal lukisan dari kenal pelukis.. kenyataan yang agak mengguris hati. (Tetiba)

Sebenarnya pelukis dia nama Nayzak. Taktau la nama samaran or nama sebenar. Nayzak yang bermaksud meteor. Dulu ade gak aku jumpe perkataan ni dalam bahasa Arab, tapi salah pronounce. Aku sebut Niyazik. (نيازك) Kebetulan masa nak presentation baru-baru ni, baru jumpa perkataan ni dalam kamus.

Okeh, macam biase aku hanya copy FAQ dari laman web supaya korang boleh bukak kamus B.I-B.M dan translate sendiri, jangan marah tapi nak improvekan english supaya korang boleh speak english fluently.

Page DeviantArt beliau: 

Journal Entry: Sun Aug 22, 2010, 4:30 AM

Assalaaamu alaikum (peace be to you),

:bulletpurple:there are people asking me questions from time to time, so I made this FAQ about me. feel free to comment and write any question you have in mine, I'll update this journal regularly with the new questions/answers:

:bulletred:What's your name?
:bulletgreen:My name is Nayzak Al-Hilali.

:bulletred:What does Nayzak mean?
:bulletgreen:The Arabic name Nayzak means Meteor.

:bulletred:Where are you from/Where do you live?
:bulletgreen:I am from somewhere on planet Earth.

:bulletred:Are you a man or woman?
:bulletgreen:It's written in my profile page. I am a man.

:bulletred:How old are you?
:bulletgreen:as old as the earth.

:bulletred:Do you speak Arabic

:bulletred:When did you start drawing?
:bulletgreen:It's said I had a pencil and papers in my hands when I was born. :Dlol. just kidding. I don't remember when I first started but I was told that I was too young I couldn't hold the pencil well and I didn't draw any recognizable things at that time.

:bulletred:How did you learn drawing?
:bulletgreen:I used to watch different animes and try to imitate the style and redraw the characters.

:bulletred:Where do you get your inspiration from?
:bulletgreen:Animes, mangas, movies, stories, free talk, history, songs, music...

:bulletred:Can you teach me Flash?
:bulletgreen:no. I am just a beginner.

:bulletred:do you draw digitally or traditionally
:bulletgreen:I draw digitally using a tablet.

:bulletred:do you have a tablet?

:bulletred:when did you join deviantART?
:bulletgreen:it's written in my profile page.


:bulletred:I have a cool idea, would you like to know it?

:bulletred:will you draw my idea?
:bulletgreen:not necessary. I only draw it if I like it.

:bulletred:do you do collaborations?
:bulletgreen:only if I like the idea.

:bulletred:do you do gift-art?
:bulletgreen:no. I am busy with my projects.

push people to think.

:bulletred:why are you spreading propaganda in your art?
:bulletgreen:I am spreading what I believe is truth.

:bulletred:do you read mangas?

:bulletred:do you have any idol/star you like?
:bulletgreen:no. I don't like idols.

:bulletred:What's your favorite drink?
:bulletgreen:Water mixed with Honey and fruit juice.

:bulletred:do you drink coffee?

:bulletred:Do you have any pets?
:bulletgreen:no. but if I was able to have a pet, I would choose cat.

:bulletred:what's your favorite color?

:bulletred:Do you think you're talented/gifted?
:bulletgreen:What I am is thanks to my God.

:bulletred:are you part of any political organization?

:bulletred:do you do commissions?
:bulletgreen:it depends. if I am not busy and I like the idea.

:bulletred:how much do you charge for a commission?
:bulletgreen:depends on the subject. contact me by note and we can discuss.

:bulletred:Who encouraged you to do art?
:bulletgreen:my mother. may Allah bless her.

:bulletred:do you watch american movies?

:bulletred:do you wear glasses/hats?

p/s: banyak lagi sebenarnya soalan, tapi panjang sangat. Kalau nak baca lebih sila layari sendiri laman web beliau:

So lepas ni kalau dah kenal lukisan, sila berkenalan ngan tuan punya lukisan tu jugak.. At least tahu sape yang lukis walaupun kome tak kenal sape dan tak pernah tengok muka mahupun face to face.